Narvale Pollay Mangalore fragrant green dosa

Narvale leaves Dosa

Narvale Pole, fragrant leaves pollay

Nerugala leaves dosa

Mangalore green dosa,  Konkan recipe

Narvale leaves have a very good fragrance and apart from that the leaves have medicinal qualities that help reduce inflammation in the body thus relieving aches and pains, improving gut health, etc.  Do try this healthy recipe provided you can lay your hands on these fragrant leaves.  My mother made these dosa quite often for breakfast or evening tea and we used to relish these dosas, while we were growing up.   Unfortunately, I came across these leaves after almost 45 years and they immediately brought back fond memories of my dear mother. 


2 cups rice

1.5 to 2 cups Narvale leaves

1 cup fresh coconut

2 tbsp. jaggery or to taste

1 tsp. salt or to taste

½ tsp. instant yeast

Wash and soak rice for min.4 hours. Remove the leaves from the branches and stalks and separate the tiny stem, and try to use just the leaf as far as possible, so as not to dilute the fragrance and the taste. Soak the leaves in water to loosen the dirt and then wash well.  Grind the rice, coconut, narvale leaves and jaggery to a smooth paste.

Meanwhile, keep the yeast to bloom with 1 tbsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. warm water.

Fermenting agent may be omitted, if you wish.  In this case, you may require to keep for fermenting for over 8 to 10 hours. Add the yeast to the rice batter and leave to ferment.  When it rises, heat a dosa pan and add a ladle of batter and allow bubbles to appear. Then cover and cook till dosa is cooked and surface appears opaque.  Drizzle with ghee and serve for breakfast or evening tea, with a dollop of butter, if you like.   Very fragrant pollay. 

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